Huffy 512st road bike

This is a 1980's Huffy road bike. Made in the USA. Most Huffy were affordable lower end bicycles. You could say they were built for the person than wanted to get into the sport for cheap, and would likely leave the sport and move on to something else. For that reason many of these bikes were seen as disposable. Luckily that distinction makes them good bikes to have in a neighborhood where you might be afraid of your bike getting stolen. The steel frame absorbs most road shock, as do the steel wheels. Like old Schwinn bikes they could last a fairly good while with maintenance. Usually the first thing to go are any plastic pieces such as plastic shifters. For that reason, single speed conversions are often a good choice for these old road bikes. They are simplified and made more efficient. This particular Huffy is a 10 speed equipped with 26"x1-3/8" wheels.

I have one that I'm putting my hands and then me into bulking up with modernizers to turn it up on the road